The recent events in the world have really moved me.
Here at AMMA JO, we believe in a bright and beautiful world. I cannot be silent on this issue, not only as a black woman, but as a community leader and entrepreneur. I understand as a business woman that I live in a world that needs me. I cannot sell products and services in my world and stand by and do nothing while the world churns. Here are my personal statements as the leader of my retail company:
"Racism is and will always be wrong. Imagine taking opportunity, freedom and livelihood from an individual simply because of the color of their skin. Racism is a form of hate. It is degrading and inhumane. Racism is not a black and white thing. It's an EVERYBODY thing. We need all hands on deck. From clergy to government to media to healthcare and beyond, we need to take a stand. Having worked closely with corporate and community leaders in previous positions I've held, I have heard the cries, the stories from fellow black sisters and brothers experiencing racism. I have experienced it myself. It is heartbreaking. I am glad we are here in this place and at the brink of change. Personally, I am participating in the conversation here in my local community. I have had candid conversations with my colleagues. I've also had conversations with my children regarding current events, encouraging them to be a part o change. I am using my personal and professional platforms to be clear about where I stand. I want to thank each and every corporate leader who has taken a stand against racism and I will never be silent on this issue. I believe though we may go through great pain together, we will realize a better and brighter world. Cheers to our future together." - AMMA JO